First name *

Last name *

What pronouns do you use?

Enter your email address * profile *

Please add the link to your WordPress profile (
If you don’t have one, you can create it following these steps:

Please provide links to your social media accounts. *

One URL link per line.

Do you require a visa to enter Switzerland and attend WordCamp Europe 2025? *

Please check out this Visa Information link before answering this question.

If you replied yes to requiring a visa, have you bought your WCEU ticket and requested your Invitation Letter?

You can request an invitation letter ( after purchasing your ticket. We will reimburse you if you are accepted as a volunteer.

Ignore this question if you don't need a visa to enter Switzerland.

How do you assess your level of English proficiency? *

What languages other than English do you speak? *

How experienced are you in the WordPress community/event organisation? *

All profiles have a place; we'll use this information to help make everyone feel comfortable and well-onboarded. Choose as many as apply:

What type of volunteer roles interest you the most? *

Select as many roles as you like:

Will you be available for volunteering during the Contributor Day? *

Are you comfortable taking on a role that involves physical effort? *

Like standing shift(s) or box lifting.

Do you have experience with technical support or audiovisual equipment? *

For example, with microphones, projectors, session recording...

Do you have any additional relevant skills you’d like to highlight?

Could you share a bit more about yourself? What motivates you to apply to be a volunteer at WordCamp Europe 2025? *

Feel free to write a short paragraph for this question.

Which is your T-shirt size? *