First Name *

Last Name * username *

Email Address *

Telephone Number (Mobile) *

Country of residence *

What camera, lens(es) and other gear are you bringing to WordCamp? *

Please try to be specific. We will only provide SD memory cards

Please let us know which days you will be available *

Tell us more about you and any photography projects you have done. Write a short intro here *

Links to samples of your work (For example: Social media, Flickr, 500px, Website) *

Please try to provide relevant examples of event photography

Have you captured a WordCamp on camera before? *

If yes, can you tell us which WordCamp(s) you have captured on camera and what your experience was like?

By submitting this application, you agree that as a member of the WordCamp Europe Photography Team, you are offering your services for FREE as a volunteer. If we select you as a volunteer you get a free ticket and all that it includes (t-shirts, swags, meals etc), but we won’t cover your travel and accommodation expenses. You also accept that your photos will be released under a CC BY-SA license. *